Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Thailand & vietnam flower horn available nooooow.....located at SIBU TOWN..... Near To old Pasar malam........

Thailand flower horn small& medium fish for sales. Available Now......small size = 50 unit & medium size= 6 unit .
Good Land Nursery
Hp: 01114123136
Location: No. 31, High Street....near to old pasar malam n BATA Shop , SIBU.....

Saturday, 11 October 2014

gaharu buaya beads will be available soon.

Gaharu buaya from borneo! This batch of wood will be send to produce the beads. Any one who interested please contact us. Tq

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Beads for agarwood will be available soon!!!


Both of the wood have been sent to the factory to make beads. Fragrance agarwood beads will be available coming Nov 14. RM 2000- 2500 per unit. Open for booking now!!!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Agarwood artificial inoculation by using special super inoculum

Dear customer from Sabah & Sarawak,
Pls go through our blog and you will know the effectiveness of special super inoculum! Pls contact us if u are interested about our product. Our experience + technology= Your successful. tq!!!
Your Faithful Business Partner, Ms Lily.

Product name: special super inoculum ( Witsawa)
Product size: 5.5 mm (diameter)

Cultivated agarwood............
Natural agarwood from jungle ............................... Sucessful rate: 100% ( every inoculated hole will produce resin)

please contact us and get the product today! *******EVERYONE CAN BUY*********

来自沙巴和沙捞越尊敬的客户; 通过这个博客,你就会了解我们结香技术的效果!如果您有兴趣我们的产品,请与我们联系。我们的经验+技术=您的成功。您忠实的商业伙伴.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

沉香木 - 寻找买家(280克)!

Agarwood - look for buyer (280g) !!! pls contact us, tq. 沉香木 - 寻找买家(280克)!请与我们联系。

沉香木 - 寻找买家

Natural Agarwood @ gaharu - look for buyer. pls contact us. 沉香木 (320g) - 寻找买家。请与我们联系。

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

End product- gaharu gred A produced by bamboo stick inducer after 24-30 months.

Result after 24-30 months and carved to be a wood chip. ( Inoculated by Bamboo Stick Inducer) 1 tree ( 4 years) can inoculate about 100 holes and each hole can get around 10 g of gaharu. Thus, 1 tree can get about 1 -1.5 kg of gaharu subjected to the size of the tree.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

 UMS helps the local farmer and investor to success their agarwood planting project by introducing "Bengkel kebangsaan inokulasi gaharu  " to share the knowledge and provide training to the locals. Perfect arrangement!!!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

We are invited to be one of the presenter to share our knowledge & experience on the agarwood artificial inoculation during Bengkel Kebangsaan Inokulasi Gaharu 2014. Located at UMS, Sabah.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Agarwood tree planting is an area that is considered new & high risk (at Malaysia) is not due to the difficulty of tree care but the time frame is too long from planting to harvest and lack of knowledge about effective inoculation technique. In natural, Agarwood trees aged more than 20 years and only a few percent can produce a resin. The good news we announced is that through collaboration jointly with overseas experts, we found that the tree was 4 to 5 years to reach 4 inches in diameter can already be inoculated. It can be harvested in two to four years. So how to take care of the tree plays a very important role to allow trees to grow up to four years old can reach the size of inoculated. Moreover, using our inoculation technique, you can expect the cost & yield each inoculated plant. Our Experience = Your Success.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) seedling available now!!! Pls contact us. tq

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Early bird catches the worm! Actually our company provide a lot of services & incorporation with other company or people who willing to invest in this field but do not have the related knowledge. We can supply seedling & give a consultation to lead our customers to success in this field. For those people who have a tree but need the technical knowledge for artificial inoculation, we can provide training and supply our product to you or joint venture with contract.
Aquilaria microcarpa

Monday, 13 January 2014

There are 15 species of Aquilaria tree but the most popular plants are Aquilaria Malaccencis, Aquilaria Crassna, Aquilaria Subintegra, and Aquilaria Microcarpa. Some experience harvester claim that Aquilaria Microcarpa produce the best quality of resin among the Aquilaria species. Thus, we encourage invester at Sarawak & Sabah plant more local species. Thailand planter like A. subintegra, Vietnam planter prefer A. crasna, Malaysia invester should believe that A. Microcarpa is THE BEST. For my experience, i found that A. Microcarpa is resistant to more of the disease at my farm if compare with others. Malaysia's BOLEH! Sarawak's DAPAT!

                                                  Aquilaria Microcarpa seedling found in the forest!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Company name : Goodland nursery Company background: we are involved in agriculture business which is related to gaharu planting, fruit planting especially durian Musang King, Pandan Coconut, Banana, swiftlet farming & tongkat ali planting (R&D) at various location at Sarikei & Lubok Antu. We also involve in gaharu inoculation for more than 100 tree at various place at Sarawak. There are some wild gaharu tree found in my farm. Our product: We have signed a contract with the producer to be a distributor at Sabah & Sarawak to supply the Bamboo stick inducer. Thus, we are the company to supply the special super inoculum at Sabah & Sarawak. The following info are some guide line: 1) Inoculation apply only the plant reach above 4 years.
2) The inoculation is only done during sunny day ( no rain) and the bark of the tree must be dry.
3) The diameter 4 inch and above (minimum)
4) Distance between the inoculation holes is 4 inch
5) The size of holes is 6 mm
6) The depth around 1/3 of the diameter of the trunk.
7) Holes will be cover by the stick.
8) After 3-4 months the gaharu start form. Harvest the tree after 2-3 year.
9) Let it be dry for 1 month and craft it.
Our email: borneogaharu1@gmail.com