Monday 13 January 2014

There are 15 species of Aquilaria tree but the most popular plants are Aquilaria Malaccencis, Aquilaria Crassna, Aquilaria Subintegra, and Aquilaria Microcarpa. Some experience harvester claim that Aquilaria Microcarpa produce the best quality of resin among the Aquilaria species. Thus, we encourage invester at Sarawak & Sabah plant more local species. Thailand planter like A. subintegra, Vietnam planter prefer A. crasna, Malaysia invester should believe that A. Microcarpa is THE BEST. For my experience, i found that A. Microcarpa is resistant to more of the disease at my farm if compare with others. Malaysia's BOLEH! Sarawak's DAPAT!

                                                  Aquilaria Microcarpa seedling found in the forest!

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